Sunday, December 14, 2008

Altenatif Paypal

. Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jika selama ini kita hanya mengenal Paypal sebagai alat transaksi online ternyata masih ada satu program lagi yang lumayan canggih dengan pengamanan tidak jauh dari sistem Paypal. Program ini bernama Money Bookers, mungkin diberi nama demikian karena kita harus mengisi akun kita terlebih dahulu jika hendak menggunakan program ini sebagai alat pembayaran. Dalam proses pendaftarannya kita tidak dipungut biaya, dan prosesnya cukup cepat dan mudah untuk dilakukan dan telah memiliki cabang di 30 negara. Hanya saja sayangnya, program ini masih belum tersedia dalam bahasa Indonesia.

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Friday, December 5, 2008

Twnty SEO Tips

. Friday, December 5, 2008

Bagi pemilik web trafik merupakan factor yang sangat menentukan popularitas web mereka didunia maya. Sehingga berbagai cara untuk meningkatkan trafik ke web mereka sangat diperhatikan karena walu bagaimanapun cantiknya model/tampilan web yang mereka miliki akan tidak berguna tanpa adanya trafik ke web mereka. Ada 20 tips anyar untuk meningkatkan trafik website yang dapat kita lakukan diantaranya yaitu :

  • Artikel yang berhubungan dengan content website dan mendaftarkannya ke-10 direktori artikel paling besar. Untuk mendapatkan lalu lintas bisa menopang melalui artikel.
  • Artikel berhubungan dengan lokasi mu dan mendaftarkannya kedirektori artikel yang berhubungan dengan contentmu.
  • Jika kamu sedang meluncurkan suatu content yang baru, daftarkan Sekarang ke
  • Kunjungi blog yang relevan dan tinggalkan suatu komentar dengan suatu link kembali ke lokasi mu.
  • Berikan link kepada suatu web yang memiliki relevansi dengan web milikmu dan minta mereka untuk melink balik kedalam web/blogmu.
  • Buat suatu content ke Youtube dan pastikankan URL mu secara menyolok ditampilkan
  • Berikan suatu content video ke Google video Http://Video.Google.Com dan pastikan bahwa URL mu secara menyolok dipertunjukkan.
  • Buat suatu akun di My Space dan iklankan web/blogmu disana.
  • Beritahu alamatmu di Del.Icio.Us
  • Bagikan conten webmu kepada pemabaca di internet melalui Feed RSS
  • Beritahukan Feed RSS-mu ke Feedburner
  • Beritahukan Feed RSS-mu ke Squidoo
  • Beritahukan Feed RSS-mu ke Feedboy
  • Beritahukan Feed RSS-mu ke Jordomedia
  • Daftarkanlah web/blogmu ke Stumbleupon dan beritahukan kepada teman mengenai kontenmu.
  • Masukkan tanda tangan yang secara langsung melink ke halaman web/blogmu melalui email
  • Jika kamu menggunakan PPC, buat kata kunci dari adwordsmu secara rinci berhubungan dengan content daripada web/blogmu ini akan secara langsung mengarahkan pencarian kedalam halaman web/blogmu
  • Jika kamu telah membuat content yang baru, sampaikan ke Digg
  • Jika kamu telah membuat content yang baru, sampaikan ke Reddit
  • Tawarkanlah suatu hal yang bersifat gratis didalam lokasi web/blogmu. Orang-Orang yang telah memperoleh item yang sifatnya gratis ini akan memberitahukanny kepada orang lain yang sedang browsing mengenai lokasi untuk mendapatkan item ini.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Promote Blog SEO

. Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More or less i have commented about Blogging and promotion in any article previously, most because I know from experience and mistake myself that very possible to make a additional income from a really good blog, but also because likely still newly, hence most people not exploit better blog which they have.
If You have Adsense in blog, there is a lot of different matter Which you can do easily to increase Your traffic and get the money addition. First step is You have to conduct is setting Your blog for the ping of, immediately after You innovate it, Pingomatic.Com offer a service of free all in one pinging including all wide directory blog and search engines ( searcher machine).
In Blogger.Com, You can get this in other setting appliance blog like Movable Type and Wordpress have a same choice. You ought also to setup a RSS Feed so that people know when You update. Far from fact that You can put ads in Your Feeds, this can maintain the visitor reguler to come returning to see the more amount advertisement ( and see the last posting).
Than jointing to monthly and weekly post of antecedent, each page ought also have the link. Heard itsvery clearly not? And now how many blog which You have seen with one link until about twenty different entry?
One link to each entry mean the more amount page for the ads of, better link from external site and higher level rangking searcher machine. You surely give the comment at other blog-blog, especially at blog making same things like Your site, but of course, way of best to remove the traffic to Your blog is make it become the blog having good content.

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Technique SEO Which Must Be avoided.

. Sunday, October 19, 2008

Conflict of interest between artistic and concept of marketing versus SEO almost always emerge in every development website. Mostly is easy to looked for its way out, but there is complicated goodly also. Later may even exist perforced by accepted as by our weakness website, so that we require to “ hold the bag” more amount at other matter for the compensation it.

Possible we can hold the bag by copywriting, so that fill our website more amount. Writing the more amount article by link to our website, so that our website get the backlink of more amount. There is also taking short cut with the application of what popular as black-hat SEO. In principle practice this black-hat SEO is permit all way to get the high ranking, generally conducted by “ deceiving” searcher machine, making searcher machine assume website as high valuable and relevant information source, competent to so that get the high ranking.

A lot of perpetrator of business online even which have big scale designedly conduct this practice, causing the website get the high ranking for the keyword of targeted, though in fact fill the relevant website is not at all with the the keyword. Generally it is true pursue the momentary advantage, so “ caught” they have ready to by website other. If your target in have business of online is long-range, avoid this technique. Because though possible succeed, you will only enjoy that efficacy just momentary. Immediately then of searcher machine detect the “ deception” what you conduct, not rely degradation ranking which you get as penalization

Following technique which is often weared. I intentionally hence term in English, because it is very popular. At least this can assist you if we like to research into the online more to deepening it.

Domain Cloaking

Pass by quickly possible you see this technique as very bright idea. Its concept is by making two different version of each website page. If the website page accessed by a ordinary visitor, will be presented by a beautiful page and draw. But if the page website accessed by robot of searcher machine, will be presented by a content which for SEO, possible become very graceless and cannot be understood by ordinary visitor. Become in short this technique pursue the high ranking in SEO fixed give the interesting appearance for ordinary visitor.

Technically capital of the core important is with refer toing program which can detect the visitor, whether ordinary visitor or robot of searcher machine. If detected that paying a visit is robot of searcher machine, will pointing at special page which optimize all hollow. Its problem to the number of perpetrator, now most searcher machine have owned the ability to detect this practice. Nothing like tolerate the success to be enjoyed before “ caught”. So detected by not one page but entire website will be black-list. Not rely cancelation read and made an index to, but page of differ from same website and previously have been made an index to even also will be released. More hard again, the website will never be returned a visit. Become though you realize have “ been caught” and lost time.

Duplicate Content

In develop a website, fill in the form of text from website often become the very serious resistance. If your own non writer, possible you have to throw away the money in gross to pay the writer. If you wish to own the website owning 100 page;yard, hence you have to write as much a novel. If you non Mira W capable to pour its imagination in words, or Hermawan Kartajaya capable to pour its opinion in the form of handing out or book, what you will do?

A lot take the brief road by stealing content of other website to fill his website. Fella Conciousness! Google, Yahoo, and MSN created in America, non in Indonesia or China. Searcher Machine very esteeming of copyrights. This practice very dangerous. Farther, though you do not impinge the copyrights for example because you get the permission from owner website which your its contents take, searcher machine remain to frown upon this practice. Because it is not wish to present the consecution of result of seeking which actually is after visited the contents of equal all.

To guarantee this matter, searcher machine equip with the detection system which sophisticated relative. Among with detect the “ freshness” fill. If robot find the page website which its contents of equal to some found of previously, will be selected by who first own it. The rest will be considered to be a duplicate, its value will be degraded or even [is] not made an index to [is] at all.

Generally searcher machine categorize the duplicate content become 4 group :

· Article with the wide distribution. One article can emerge in a lot of website owning related/relevant topic. Generally writed by one who is true wish its article is publicized by. Some example [of] among other things press release, atikel of concerning certain experience, etc.

· Follow the example of the product for the shop of online. Usually producer of shop online selling its product, taking deskripi product from websitenya, to be presented [in] website of shop of online. Most of all description of product not made an index by searcher machine except presented at producer website. This represent the form of commitmen of searcher machine at wearer. Searcher machine is designed to “ hoping” description product. Nevertheless its effect only just until there, not cause the website of shop of online getting “ penalization” like released from index.

· Duplication of website Page. negative Aimless, sometime happened by the duplication of website page, for example if same information accessed from different page. For example if you own the website page contain the book refresensi entitle the The Linux Book, this topic of its contents about Operating System Linux, writed by David Elboth, published by Prentice Hall. There is possibility of construction website cause the rensensi of the book can access as page differ if you access [it] from list of[is this topic of, writer, or its publisher. Generally this only cause searcher machine only make an index to found first.

· Fill the doubling. Is practice where website page filled with the substance which is taken away by website of other, generally without its owner permission, possible meagrely touch repeat so that look to differ the. Searcher machine own the ability for the detection of. This practice is very dangerous, non merely the page is not made an index to, also cause as a whole website is not made an index and not returned a visit. I suggest not to to take action this though you get the permission from owner website which your its contents take. Its reason just modestly: from where robot of searcher machine know if you get permission?

Hidden Pages

Its Intention is page which optimize make the searcher machine, and only addressed by “ seen” by searcher machine, but “ hidden” from ordinary visitor. Hidden its can be assorted. By making graceless link of visitor eye from homepage go to the such page. If you own it and coincidence not yet got the “ penalization” from searcher machine, immediately throw away. Because only omit the just time problem before searcher machine find it.

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Seputar SEO

. Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tidak bosan rasanya kita membahas hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan SEO.
Hal ini lumrah mengingat sangat ketatnya persaingan dalam memperebutkan posisi dimata Mesin pencari (Search Engine) terutama dengan semakin ketatnya persaingan dalam publikasi usaha melalui WEB. Jadi tidak mengherankan apabila semakin Banyak orang yang membahas masalah SEO ( Search Engine Optimation) dewasa ini.

Namun tahukah kita dengan semakin ketatnya persaingan ini telah membuat kita mengupayakan segala cara dengan tujuan membuat web kita terindeks dan memperoleh rank dimata search Engine. Diantaranya derngan melakukan Spamming.
Dimanakah jati diri dan harga diri kita????

Sebenarnya hasil yang akan kita peroleh dari cara ini hanya sementara karena cepat ataupun lambat hal ini akan diketahui oleh search engine ini juga. Dan akhirnya web/blog kita tidak akan pernah diindeks oleh mesin pencari ini lagi.

Langkah yang terbaik yang harus kita lakukan adalah bersikap jujur, belajar teknik SEO (yang jujur) pastinya. Dan banyak bertanya kepada ahlinya, ISNAINI, OOM

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Nama lengkap Ricardo Siahaan, lahir dan besar di sebuah kota kecil di Tapanuli Utara yaitu Siborongorong, menyelesaikan sekolah menengah atas di SMA N 1 Siborongborong, yang selalu saya akui sebagai sekolah terbaikku saya, kedua orang tua tercinta berasal dari Tapanuli dan sampai saat ini masih berada di Siborongborong.

Menginjakkan kaki pertama kali di Medan pada tahun 2004 untuk menuntut ilmu di Universitas Sumatera Utara. Saat ini masih aktif sebagai mahasiswa di Universitas ini pada jurusan Antropologi Fakultass ISIP.

Saat ini pekerjaan utama adalah ngurus blog dari rumah, berusaha mencari sedikit dolar dari internet. Orang bilang Internet Marketing, kalo aku bilang Nyari uang bulanan di internet :).

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